The Potter’s House church exists to change lives by leading people to Encounter God, Reflect His Glory, and be a Transformed into His image. We are a community of believers that are very passionate about the things of God.
The Potter’s House is a Spirit filled Christian church. At The Potter’s House, we believe that regardless of your past, God has a much better future in store for you. At The Potter’s House we are truly concerned about relationships. Your relationship with the Father, and with other people. Our number one priority is our personal relationship with God.
Our Sunday encounter services allow you to come and worship dressed just as you are, in your best, more casual, or jeans and a t-shirt, it's up to you.
We will do everything we can to make you feel welcomed. During our worship service you will find the music to be passionate and uplifting. You’ll leave encouraged and inspired, as Pastor George shares the Word of God in a way that makes it relevant to your everyday challenges.